August Wrap Up & September Plans

My August endeavors.

August has always been a weird month for me, even before the whole fucking pandemic. Every working adult in my household works for the school district, except for me. So, August was usually the end of summer break for them, and they would be all bemoaning about having to go back to work, while I, who have jumped from job to job since I quit teaching almost 15 years ago, haven’t had a summer off in 15 years. And without fail, I become so unmotivated during August. I don’t want to do anything. Hell, even my work suffers.

But, this is 2020 and I wasn’t going to let myself fall into that same August trap. But I did. I started a book on August 1 and DNF’d it on August 17 when I was about 65% through the book. It took me 17 days to read about 250 pages and that is all I read for those 17 days. I would open a book, read a sentence or two, once even a whole paragraph and then just close it. I just wasn’t feeling any of it this month. I was thinking of doing the SummerWeen readathon that was hosted over on YouTube by a couple of creators that I kinda follow, GabbyReads and Oliviareadsalatte. I created a TBR, downloaded a couple of books, and well it didn’t go so well. So, in the month of August I read one book, The Assistant by John Tristan.

I did watch 3.5 seasons of Lucifer on Netflix and 2 seasons of my Supernatural re-watch, I’m on season 7 as of the end of August. I also watched the Old Guard with Charlize Theron which I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would. It wasn’t groundbreaking, but it was mindless fun and I would not mind at all if Netflix went ahead and finished of the trilogy.

In the month of September, I’m going to ease my way back into daily reading. I have a couple of e-arcs that I want to read for review over at NetGalley, I’m going to read the books I downloaded for SummerWeen, and maybe a couple of books from my massive TBR.

E-Arcs for September

There Are Things I Can’t Tell You by Edako Mofumofu an M/M manga about two childhood friends that need to navigate facing the world and their feelings for each other as adults.

Ten Things I Hate About the Duke by Loretta Chase a spin on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. As someone with an English degree and an unhealthy obsession with all things Shakespeare I’m looking forward to this one.

Adulting by Liz Talley a book about friendship and second chances. It doesn’t sound like a book that I would usually pick up, but I need something different to jolt me out of this funk.

SummerWeen in September

I’m going completely blind into these reads but the books I was going to read during SummerWeen and will now read in September are Within These Walls by Ania Ahlborn, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix, and Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. I used to devour thrillers and horror books when I was younger; I’m hoping that picking up books that younger me would like will make me more likely to actually start and finish them.